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I created this blog to share my ideas about teaching English Language Arts in middle school.  You may see a few blog posts sprinkled in about parenting and geek life! Find out more about me below! 

📚 I’ve been teaching for 15 years in north NJ. I’ve taught 3rd, 5th, 6th, and 7th grades. I have been in 6th grade ELA now for several years and love it!⁣ I also am new to teaching a 7th grade section of ELA. 

📚 I'm a curriculum writer on Teachers Pay Teachers. Click my "shop" link above!

📚 I have a Masters degree in Literacy and a Reading Specialist certificate. ⁣

📚 I incorporate technology in my classroom daily. Quality screen time is meaningful. (Don’t even get me started about how I feel about toddlers on iPhones…remember QUALITY, not CONSUMPTION or ::cough:: babysitter ::cough::).⁣

📚 I have a 7 year old son who you will not see on here. Sorry! My personal life is personal! I am also happily one and done BY CHOICE. Don’t tell me my kid needs a sibling. He will be just fine. ⁣

📚On that note, I am an introvert who can put on a good act when I am around people, but would always rather be on my couch watching Netflix. ⁣

📚 I eat my lunch in my classroom, by myself, everyday and love it. ⁣

📚 I am a big geek and always have been. I LOVE gaming (Nintendo is my jam…no Fortnite or shoot ‘em ups). Mario is my ❤️. I love all fantasy and science fiction books and shows. You will always find me nose deep in a dystopian YA book. ⁣

📚 My husband is a children’s cartoonist @mypalmark. Comic conventions are a regular thing in this house. ⁣

📚 I have two cats (Yoshi and Mertle).⁣

📚 Routine and structure are my way of life for teaching and parenting. I also believe in modeling, modeling, modeling. Kids do what they see. End of story. ⁣

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